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Why Set Goals? Goal Setting Very Important!


Answer this question for me Why set goals? What is the whole purpose behind goal setting? Please explain to me the concept of why set goals? What is in it for me as to why set goals? If there is one good reason there must be a million good reasons as to why set goals. We are not going to give you a million reasons as to why set goals, but we will give you a few good reasons for goal setting, and setting goals. Setting goals give you your why. Why are you doing what it is you are doing? And it is the reason as to why set goals. Why set goals is not about how to set goals, but it give us our reason or our why set goals. The how is not nearly as important as the why you do what you do. Everything in your life and everything in my life is all about the why. Why do you, why do I set goals? The how will come as long as you have your why. You set goals because you know the only way to get the things in life you want is setting goals or goal setting. You set relationship goals, money goals, new car goals, new house (dream home) goals this is why set goals.

I hope you took the time to watch this short but very interesting video where Zig talks about priming the pump. In it he gives you a clue as to why set goals in your life. Why set goals in every aspect of your life? Let me discuss with you a few goals that you set everyday in your life, and your work. I want to talk about why set goals, goal setting, and setting goals to get the things you want. It is after all about what you want, not what you need. Let me prime your pump on why set goals just a little.

Why set Goals – Goal Setting (Relationships)

As we have indicated there are a lot of good reasons why set goals and one of those reasons is in order for you to have a good relationship with your spouse or for you to meet that soul-mate and have a good relationship. Husbands and wives need to sit down together and have a goal setting session about what they want as they build a life together. Simple things like how many kids they will have and when will they start parent-hood are reasons why set goals. They will also need to discuss how they want to raise their kids and whether or not to send them to public, private, or home school. Why set goals? So you will know whether both husband and wife will work outside the home or will you be a stay at home mom or dad? What kind of money will you both need to earn to live the lifestyle you both want? All of these are valid reasons for why set goals, goal setting, and setting goals. You can not have or build a relationship to stand the test of time, if you do not know why set goals together in the first place. Over 75% of marriages end because of the inability for two people to sit down and set goals or plan their life together, so it is over.

Why Set Goals – Goal Setting (Money)

When it comes to why set goals not all of the goals or goal setting (setting goals) need to be written down, but the important ones do need to be written down. When it comes to the money you want those goals written down. Why set goals that are written down? Your money goals are to important to be left to chance, so yes you should write down how much money you want to make. You want to set goals that are realistic when it comes to why set goals when it comes to the money.

When it comes to the money and why set goals as to the amount of money, what you think about most of the time is what you get. What you think about 99.99% of the time is what you get, so be sure that what you think and how you think are positive – not negative. If you think about the lack of the money(this is negative) you want – you will always lack the amount of money you are thinking about.  It is about why set goals in the amount you want to receive and believe it is coming. It may be off your radar, but that does not mean it is not coming in. This is why set goals with a specific amount in mind and if it is in your sweet spot it will come into your radar. The sweet spot is that warm and fuzzy feeling you get (it makes you so happy just thinking about it)when you think about a set amount of money and why set goals in the first place, second place, and every place. It is coming I do not know how, but I know it is coming. This is why set goals in the first place!

Why Set Goals – Goal Setting (New Car)

Why set goals for a new car? Have you ever been new car shopping and smelled the smell of a new car? You probably do not want to admit it, but everyone loves that new car smell. It is exciting to sit behind the wheel of that new car and smell that new car and why set goals to have a new car. That new car smell is actually the glue you smell in the new car. Of course, it does not take long for that new car smell to wear off and you are setting goals, goal setting, and figuring out why set goals for another new car. It is that new car smell that gets you so excited!

Why set goals for that Volkswagen when you can have an Infinity? You say, but I am not making enough to get an Infinity. Remember, what you think about most of the time is what you get and is why set goals. If you want an Infinity, BMW, or Royce you can have it and it will come into your life if you think you can have it. It is about what you think about 99.99% of the time. Why set goals? Because by goal setting and setting goals you bring what you want into your life by thinking about it most of the time. Remember, it is not about how you are going to get it, but it is about why you are going to get it. You can have what you want by thinking about it most of the time and why set goals.

Why Set Goals – Goal Setting (Dream House – Exotic Vacation)

Why set goals for that dream house or exotic vacation? Because you can have anything you want if you can believe and conceive then you will achieve. It is about what you think about 99.99% of the time. Goal setting, setting goals, or why set goals is really more about what you think then anything else you will ever do. The how is irrelevant when it comes to getting what you want. It always boils down to what you think you can have – the why – when it comes to what you want. Why set goals is about learning to dream again and developing a burning desire to have it. That burning desire is always why set goals and involves what you think about most of the time. Goal setting 101!

Why set Goals – Goal Setting (How To)

OK, here is your how to that will get you started on why set goals, goal setting, and setting goals. This how to is important because it teaches you the why in why set goals. Get your copy of See You At the Top by Zig Ziglar as to why set goals. Do you ever wonder what the difference is between you and mega-successful people? What do they have that you do not?! The truth is hard work alone will not get you financial freedom and a positive outlook on your job and personal life and this is why set goals, goal setting, and setting goals is so important. The people you look up to are not just born that way, they are Built. And the book See You At the Top by Zig Ziglar will help you build that type of success and why set goals, goal setting, and setting goals.

We have reserved a very special limited edition of See You At the Top just for you that will teach you the importance of why set goals, goal setting, and setting goals. You will want to get See You at the Top and learn to prime your pump by setting goals, goal setting, and why set goals. Whatever you do in the next two minutes do not let this special offer pass you by get your copy of the timeless master piece of See You At the Top by just clicking here now. Come on why set goals, goal setting, and setting goals if you are not going to consult the master of goal setting. Oh go ahead and listen to the video prime the pump again and find your why set goals – goal setting – setting goals reason to get See You At the Top!

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